Heavy Legal Stuff
Privacy Policy;
The owner of aloha.co.za who is also the webmaster of this site will not share your information or your personal details with anyone.
It's that simple.
Aloha - be happy.
Terms & Conditions;
Agreement between anyone using this website and aloha.co.za a.k.a Aloha Yacht & Property Care admin, webmaster, or employees;
If you do not agree with these terms and conditions or if you are still a lightie, do not use aloha.co.za, rather go to the beach.
“Using” this website, means doing actions like clicking on links, entering information, browsing etc..
If any type of relationship is inadvertently formed between you and an ALOHA YACHT & PROPERTY CARE employee or an attorney participating, that relationship excludes aloha.co.za it's owner and it's webmaster as a participant.
Treat information on this website as a guideline only and do your own research as there could be outdated stuff here due to the webmaster himself being outdated and salted up.
ALOHA.CO.ZA owner, webmaster, web site provider, or any other person on the flat earth will not be responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage related to your use of aloha.co.za or any weblinks contained therein no matter what the scale of negligence may be. Watch & play..
In short, your use of aloha.co.za is at your own risk. Scary stuff..