About us
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did. So
throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the
trade winds in your sails.. Mark Twain

Greg & Debi Palmer are just average non-socialite keep it simple, non-sugar coated, down to earth happily married couple [28 years] who live an uncluttered very basic lifestyle. Non-drinkers, non-smokers, nothing false, no additives, just 100% pure and simple adventure.

Greg Husband, Father, Surfer, Sailor, Yacht & Property Manager, Private Sale Facilitator, Surf Industry Proprietor, Navy War Veteran, ex-Natal Sharks Board Meshing Officer, ex-Durban Surf Shop Owner, ex-Principal Property Practitioner, Commissioner of Oaths.
Debi Wife & Mother extraordinaire, Surfer, Sailor, finest First Mate in marriage & yachting, top Helmsman, excellent Chef & Host, Property/Yacht/Surf Industry Admin Manager, ex-Coffee Shop Owner, ex-Surf Shop Manageress, real-life Angel..
Josh Licensed SuperYacht Officer navigating the oceans, international surfer and sailor.... good oke...